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Frequently Asked Questions.

  • So how do I enrol?
    Given this event is only open to approximately 100 leaders from all walks of life and business from around the world, you actually need to apply to attend this incredible program. As such, please go ahead and make an appointment to speak to one of our team members and they can determine if this program is a perfect fit for you and you for it, given what you're out to accomplish in business and in life. Of course, our experts can also provide you more details in order for you to make an informed decision and take action to participate in this rare opportunity. Thank YOU for your time and your interest in the Global Excellerated Business School for Entrepreneurs. We look forward to talking with you soon and hopefully, seeing you benefit from this extraordinary opportunity. Craig Doyle Co-Founder & Director 90Degrees Global Ryll Burgin-DoyleCo-Founder 90Degrees Global & Doria (DC) Cordova CEO / Excellerated Business Schools® / Money & You® Program
  • What will I get out of this program?
    Awareness of the New Technologies and “The New Wave” of entrepreneurship, business opportunities and products and services globally. Systems and information on how to expand your business and markets globally, including emerging nations A network of successful global entrepreneurs that do business “from the heart” and know that profits are a by-product of products and services that add value to your customers and clients and for some, humanity You will learn money-making strategies to increase revenue, profits and wealth You will be able to discern, distinguish and more clearly see trends and opportunities to successfully grow your business / organization How to monetize your product or services better than your current models Financial strategies A planning tool that took man to the moon ahead of schedule and how to apply it to your business How to leverage intangible assets Offline and online marketing strategies, tips & distinctions Building high performance winning teams How to get your business to work without you through total leverage How to hire and get the right people in the right roles How to predict and profit from the future How to capture new markets and become a global business Communicating with power and passion How to expand your sphere of influence How to focus on your life purpose You will experience more joy and personal freedom as you apply the principles and tools that will be shared with you You will learn to become stronger and better able to respond to uncertainty You will become a better communicator who will enrol customers, suppliers, partners and employees with ease You will learn tools to master your fears and become more resourceful How to overcome obstacles to having the life of your dreams You will get a personal experience of how to do “more with less” as you put into practice the STRATEGIES to CREATING A MULTI-MILLION (possibly A BILLION) DOLLAR BUSINESS Plus…Our Unique, Experiential Curriculum Means You’ll Partner with Your Peers In Creating a Real-Life Business Model – During this 8-day, immersion-style program, you’ll actually practice implementing the powerful, cutting-edge teachings you’ll receive — by experientially applying these leadership, team-building, marketing, finance, communication and empowerment lessons that you can use immediately in your business and organizations. You’ll build a completely new business with a small group of peers — doing market research, planning production and distribution, envisioning sales and marketing, handling finance and capital formation, even exhibiting the launch of your new “business” at an exclusive trade show toward the end of the week. What’s the payoff? Substantial cash prizes to the winning team — plus the immersion-style benefit of applying what you learn before you take it back to your own business! Once you leave, your real “business school” will begin – and if you apply the principles and tools taught – you will have the opportunity to: Transform your business into a well-oiled, systems-driven machine so it runs without your direct involvement every day. Create a master plan for your business and for your life that produces the maximum profit for the minimum effort, risk and expense. Learn and practice first-hand what it takes to form and lead a winning entrepreneurial team so you return to your business with a whole new set of distinctions that can be applied immediately for greater productivity. Maximize your time, capital and opportunities — effectively leveraging yourself and your business — including “off the books” assets you never thought you had. Get practical tools, information, and distinctions about what’s working in high-growth businesses today — then return to your real-world business and retool your business model, your team and your profitability. Discover new leadership skills so you can truly be free and have the time to spend doing more things that you love (including spending more time with family). Network with the vast BSE graduates who are being invited to return and review the program and to meet you – even partner with you in expanding each other’s global markets.
  • I’m an employee, how can this program help me?
    We find that employees who attend BSE are more valuable to their companies and therefore soon earn a higher salary because of their confidence and ability to “sell themselves” more effectively – and the greater contribution that they make to their companies. Some have been made partners faster than if they had not attended. You will also learn the fundamental skill required to be a successful entrepreneur, and if you so desire, you could start your own business – within or outside of your company. From the 1980’s companies have valued “Intrapreneurship” – who help them run the business with their own divisions that are run like individual businesses. Others actually “invest” in their employees who want to run a part time business outside of company hours. And, even more importantly, some people who think they might like to run their own business find, after doing BSE that entrepreneurship is not for them. What better thing to find out before investing their own time, money or energy in a business of their own! On the other hand, other employees finally get the courage to “fly the nest” and step out on their own to start their own business. If you are in that category, you will get a head start and be able to cut years of your learning and business growth curve. Because BSE is about adding value, you will become clearer on your purpose and the purpose of your business. This could give you the freedom and the confidence you have been seeking.
  • What type of Instructors will I learn from?
    BSE’s is taught by successful entrepreneurs (including those committed to the betterment of humanity), experts and individuals who have mastered their area of expertise. Dame Doria (DC) Cordova , has co-lead many English BSE’s – and over 75 Chinese Business Schools. Her leading team includes instructors from her signature Money & You program who will facilitate daily coaching of the participants as they go through the various exercises and business simulations. The games, simulations, exercises and the sharing of the participants are the recipe for the success of the program – and creates the highly effective learning environment. The instructors and guest speakers are eager to share their expertise and the learning experiences they had accomplishing their goals – and many, working on making the world better for humanity. This is the beauty of the “Excellerated Learning” technology and our teaching format, which, since 1979, has been proven to be highly successful. All instruction is focused on application rather than just delivering information. This prevents the typical “seminar” pattern of getting “hyped up” with enthusiasm in the moment and then forgetting it soon after. Part of the technology is to provide tools for you to implement the teachings, strategies and ideas generated by the experiential learning environment.
  • I can’t attend for these eight days. Is there another program that you offer?
    Our signature program, Money & You, is only three-and-a-half day and it covers 44 hours of entrepreneurship. All Excellerated programs are life-changing. BSE focuses on how to grow your business – monetizing your products or services while doing good. We are now expanding the work to specifically look into more details new technologies and renewables. We are happy to share more about all the different programs and availability in your area.
  • I am a small business owner… I don’t know if I want to have a global business…
    You don’t have to want to create a global business to attend. You just have to want to grow and improve yourself and your business as a whole. For some people moving from local, to regional, to state, to country, to the globe (and these days it’s not always a linear process like this) IS a driving force. For others, we know that’s not the case as much, and that’s fine too. Just one thought to consider … If reading through the information shared in the Global Excellerated Business School for Entrepreneurs website or someone recommended that you look into this event – and in some way it piqued your interest, it may be that there’s a part of you that IS yearning to see what the opportunities may be available for you to expand your business… to get your work out there more – even beyond your current thinking. It may be that you want to travel the world and see what opportunities are available for you – maybe you want to go to exotic, far away lands – and have a profitable business while you are doing that… Or, you have a yearning to do more – to make the world better – to leave a legacy – your heart is yearning for something more, then follow the clues! Regardless, we are pretty certain that GBSE is for you!
  • How will this event benefit me financially?
    Obviously, if you apply all that you will learn – in your business and personal life – you will make many times your investment in the program as many have before you. Consider some of the testimonials from past graduates – the names read like a who’s who of the business world from the US, to Australia to China and beyond – and ask yourself how wealthy do you wish to be? For example, Robert Kiyosaki from the Rich Dad / Poor Dad fame used to lead this event; when he chose to go into the niche of investments, taking just one strategy from the Business School for Entrepreneurs, he went on to find a “master” that would most rapidly show him the ropes… that was Sharon Lechter. She was so impressed with the network – and the essence of the book, based on the Excellerated Program teachings – she proceeded to make him a household name. Robert and his wife Kim learned many of the principles that they utilized to built their wealth at our Business School for Entrepreneurs. This could be true for you too! In addition for some, this program gives you the chance to learn tools that will repair or build better relationships and, of course, this may not be immediately measurable in dollars short term, however, long term the effects can be in the millions. So ask yourself… how much are you willing to invest for better business and personal relationships, fulfilment, peace of mind, making a difference in the world – creating a legacy – all while discovering new ways to grow your business? This organization’s definition of wealth is to: have ACCESS to cash, resources, networks, investments, experts, support – a global network. The Global Excellerated Business School for Entrepreneurs provides all of those opportunities, as such, the only thing that can stop you from the access to drastically increased financial results and connections available to you is by you NOT attending the event. Plus, this particular event includes an exclusive trade show where you get to showcase your own enterprise, product or services to your classmates and returning Alumni. You will not only be able to continue or complete any conversations that were started through the week – you will be able to display your work, get feedback and do business. The environment encourages authentic feedback so that you can feel comfortable with continuous improvement of your product(s)/services. You will discover and get comfortable knowing that constant feedback, tweaking, and improving your offerings keeps you ahead of the game – this is one of the biggest benefits that our graduates experience.
  • I am a Professional (Dentist, Attorney, etc.)… How can this program help me?
    Dentists, doctors, lawyers, and other professionals have attended and loved the Business School because the program teaches the generalized principles that apply in all business and life situations. Anyone can apply them – regardless of profession or industry. As a dentist, attorney, chiropractor or doctor you may be self-employed. At BSE, you will learn how to systematize and leverage your business so that it isn’t so reliant on you being there all the time. Once you get your business working without you, you can spend more time doing the things you enjoy the most – be financially independent and have a great lifestyle. If you are not having that experience, this event is definitely for you! Did you see what Dr. Jeff Alexander accomplished after he attended BSE? Extraordinary results!
  • I’m the best at what I do, I have all the money I want, and my relationships are great. So why should I attend?
    Are you saying that there isn’t one area of your life that you couldn’t improve? That you couldn’t grow more? Expand your work even more? Create a greater legacy? Make the world better? Solve a problem that may affect millions? Do you really have total harmony in your relationships? Do your management teams and employees carry out all your requests exactly and perform at optimum levels without conflict? Do you think you can’t discover anything new about your industry – or get interested in a new one? We have had some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, Olympic athletes, best-selling authors and motivators attend our Excellerated programs just so they can take their personal and business performance to another level. Many of them, after being so impressed at their own growth, they return and bring their other staff members, family and friends to the Money & You program to introduce them to work – and they hope that they will be inspired to attend a BSE in the future. We have found that no matter how well you are doing, there is always room for expansion and improvement.
  • How will all the different instructors, successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and the masters who will be in the event be able to help me?
    Aside from sharing the invaluable lessons of their own lives and business experience, when not teaching in the classroom, they will be available during meals, breaks and evenings to share with you their winning formulas and to support you with your business ideas, how to take action, how to apply what you are learning, how to expand your global markets, how to create a legacy, how to create true wealth. The hours have been shortened from past BSE’s to give all the participants, the returning Alumni and all Instructors/Guest Speakers an opportunity to spend evenings working with each other and supporting each’s projects / businesses. Imagine having a billionaire take a look at your business model and make suggestions to help you expand? In this way, this program is the ultimate master-mind opportunity.
  • I have attended a lot of seminars before, so what makes this program different?
    The biggest difference you will find in BSE is that this work comes from a real business where they combined personal development tools with proven business practices. This was an experiment that worked – and eventually the lessons learned were put into a stimulating environment that is fun and exciting to learn in. In addition to your own personal growth pressing beyond your limits and mind set, you will be learning awesome business distinctions from all those around you. Your classmates will become your teachers – as you will be to them. And with all of that said, you will be more than educated and entertained… you will be totally engaged and absorbed in the process of learning and discovery. Each lesson, principle and experience shared by the awesome instructors and guest speakers builds on the one before and unfolds like a beautiful flower or piece of art. It has taken us decades for the “teaching formula” to evolve to the level that it’s now and you will benefit great from the commitment of so many magnificent human beings that have brought this work to what it’s today. The fact is that its original creator, is a genius – in every sense of the word. He masterminded the original exercises, and has a pattern of thinking on how to create games, create a powerful curriculum that was inherited by others including Doria (DC) Cordova . She and partners like Robert Kiyosaki, Dr. Willson Lin and other BSE leading instructors like Dominique Lyone, an extraordinary entrepreneur that owns one of Australia’s leading office supply business – took the work to whole other levels from where the original co-creators left off. Through the decades they have developed the work by bringing in more distinctions, awesome masters and systems into the program so that they continually create unsurpassed results. Doria (DC) Cordova , who inherited the work in 1985, learned extensively from the co-creator of the work, Bobbi DePorter and other masters, how to build organizations and work with teams globally. Very few people have ever disliked the Excellerated Business School. Even professionals in the training/education field have applauded the brilliance, simplicity, power and effectiveness of its design. Even if you have done many other seminars, there is always another level of performance to surpass. If anything, it will validate where you are today and show you which of your choices and decisions have worked and which have gotten you to where you currently are. From there, you can make new choices, as awareness is everything. We will also be supporting the promotion of your work through the ever-present “Networking Table” which is available to you from Day One and after you graduate in any BSE any where in the world, in any language. You have a lifetime membership! This feature alone has lead our graduates to meeting extraordinary masters / professionals / global entrepreneurs that have vast fortunes and networks. They have formed strategic alliances, collaborated, shared information – much of which has made a great difference in the quality of their lives, organizations and communities. The access to wealth is phenomenal!
  • My business is doing fine now. Why do I need to attend this program?
    Whether you like it or not, you have to grow personally, philosophically, strategically and financially in order to handle the fast-changing world of today – or you will regress and go backwards! As human beings, we are never, ever static. And that is one of the key mistakes many business owners and managers make – thinking that if they are “doing fine” now, they don’t need to learn anything new. Continuing education is no longer a choice in most fields, it is a necessity and your number one competitive advantage is not how much you have – but how fast you can learn! For instance, if in any aspect of your business you lose even just 10% from where you were 12 months ago, how long would it take your business to make up for that loss? What about your competitors? If your business is becoming depleted of its critical mass of the capital to fund and finance its growth and promotion to survive and thrive, then what will you do? By working with us to get clear on whether to attend this program or not, we can help you make some distinctions that could be of great value to you.
  • Is this program related to any religious organization?
    Business School is a completely non-denominational and non-religious program. The instructors, partners and our various associates and promoters who license the programs from our organization, as well as each of the participants, all come from very different religious/spiritual backgrounds. There is respect and regard for different beliefs and disciplines, and none are imposed in the program. During BSE it is acknowledged that there is a higher power at work. Business School does raise the level of social consciousness of many of our participants – particularly for people whose main focus in life before was primarily money – some extremely greedy. In the same way, it has also given some very spiritual or religious individuals who harboured negative judgments about business, money, prosperity and wealth, a new understanding of these subjects. They see how it can make it easier to make a significant contribution to their communities and how to raise their family’s standard of living through expanded business opportunities.
  • Does this program have a track record in my part of the world?
    Because of our experience of producing Business Schools for 40 years, over 85 in the Chinese market alone since 2001 – plus, more than 118,000 graduates of our signature program, Money & You® since 1979 from over 85 countries, our programs have been proven effective in every culture, environment and diversity in background. Formerly only taught in English and Chinese, it is now expanding into Japanese, Bahasa, Tamil, Hindi and Spanish languages. We have found that human nature is the same, no matter what a person’s race, culture or background. We are confident that it will work in your part of the world too!
  • Is this a “sales fest” where I will constantly be sold products and services?
    Absolutely not. The Instructors and the returning Alumni are business people who do have products and services but are not there to “pitch” anything, rather to add value. If, of course, you are attracted to doing business with any one of them, it’s up to you to approach them. Each class will have tremendous value on its own. The environment is designed so that everything that you are learning can be applied immediately without additional expenses. Of course, if you are a lifelong learner as many of the participants will be, you may choose to continue your education with one of the instructors but their curriculum is not designed to lead you to purchase products or services from them.
  • Why don’t you provide an hour-by-hour agenda of the school curriculum – even to those who have enrolled for the program?
    The “Excellerated Technology” is designed so that your mind doesn’t have pre-conceived ideas on what to expect hour by hour. A schedule of the day will be provided but not with the classes nor the names of the instructors. The program is centered around two major exercises: a Trade Show where you and a group of your peers would have created a new business that will have all the elements that you are learning through the week; and an exercise team which will entail swimming and running. Not to worry, we have instructors that will teach you the components necessary to be a winner. Just recently we had a 72 year gentleman be part of the winning exercise team whose life changed from experiencing such win. Both experiences are designed to learn by trial-and-error: leadership, communication, innovation, breaking through limitations, how to build teams and more! Another reward is a cash prize for each team from contributions from each participant. You’ll have an opportunity to win a percentage of your tuition – or even more. “Excellerated Learning” has beautiful nuances that creates life-long learning!
  • Is this school based on a particular philosophy?
    The work has been influenced and evolved through the decades based on the work of four masters – geniuses that have created new paradigms in their fields of endeavour – Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller, Dr. Georgi Lozanov, Dr. W. Edwards Deming and Ilya Prigogine. If you Google their names you will be impressed. The work was originally designed through the genius of Marshall Thurber. The first BSE inspired and enrolled a committed group of people, including Doria (DC) Cordova who continues with the work globally. The Excellerated programs are fuelled by the teachings of R. Buckminster Fuller who is known by many as the “the planet’s friendly genius”. He is perhaps one of the best-known American thinkers of the 20th century. He was an architect, mathematician, engineer, author, designer, cosmetologist, scientist, inventor, visionary, and philosopher. Many of the principles that we teach in our programs came from his mentorship – including to encourage those interested in investments to apply generalized principles to the pursuit of wealth – that it’s optimal to invest in products or services that add value to humanity.
  • When should I arrive at the program?
    Your investment to the program includes 2 days prior to commencement of the program. Arrival on Thursday, meet and greet / relax by the pool / enjoy the facilities Friday. Program starts Saturday at midday.
  • Who can I speak to about extending my stay?
    Our BSE travel Concierge for the program, who can manage your personal accommodation requests, flights and any other requests you have can be contacted via email: Serrin Tabart
  • How do I get from the airport to the venue?
    Transfers to the hotel from the airport to the resort can be arranged through the travel manager. Cost is included in your investment. Travel Manager: Serrin Tabart
  • I have dietary requirements; can I be accommodated?
    Yes, you can upon request. However, you are also welcomed to bring your own supplies as each suite has a full kitchen.
  • When should I leave the program?
    The program completes with an awards dinner on Saturday evening. We recommend staying for a few days after completing the program to follow up with your fellow participants, discuss possible business collaborations and enjoy the 5-star resort. This would be at your own cost.
  • This is the busy season, I can’t possibly leave now…
    You just stated the very reason why you should attend… Notice that you have just told yourself that you do not have the systems in place necessary for you to have a business that works without you. At BSE you are going to learn about different business models that have worked beautifully for many… Doria (DC) Cordova will be sharing about her licensing model that has allowed her to receive royalties for decades and her work keeps growing organically – through systems that are duplicate-able and self-correcting. By taking this very important week out, you will have a full and clear view of the business processes in action and come away with that most valuable benefit… insight as to how to better leverage your time, yourself, your resources, your money and your products /services. If someone you know recommended this program to you, then ask them why it may be of such importance for you to put your business aside to attend. We have found that most graduates agree that attending this program was one of the best decisions they’ve ever made. Think of what problem you may have that we could help you solve that could make you say that this is one of the best decisions you will ever make… then go for that reason!
  • Are there people who should not attend the Program?
    Absolutely. People who don’t like change – or choose not to confront what is not working in their lives or businesses as well as they would like it to – will not enjoy Business School because this is what the program is all about… confronting what is not working in your business or personal life and solving those challenges while exploring incredible opportunities that are available to us as entrepreneurs. People who prefer keeping things within the status quo wouldn’t like it either. People who would rather just observe and not participate in interactive team exercises. The Business School experience requires active participation – the more you participate, the more value you will get from event. If you find yourself judgmental of others who seem idealistic, who want to make a difference on the planet, you’d not enjoy the GBSE environment. People who want to be the only one to prosper in business dealings and constantly compete with others – ie who want to become successful at any cost – would not like this environment where collaboration is constantly encouraged! If you’re someone that doesn’t want to research, discover and explore new technologies, renewables and how to create a world that works for 100% of humanity, would most likely not benefit greatly from the event. If you’re someone who doesn’t wish to participate in the connected growing global economy that is today’s reality, you would not benefit from the amazing opportunities that will be available for all the participants. If a person isn’t someone who strives to be fulfilled – to have a business that is constantly improving, they definitely would not benefit from BSE.
  • What could help me decide whether or not to attend?
    Decisiveness is one characteristic shared by most successful people. Rupert Murdoch, was said to have made a decision to commit over $1 billion dollars of News Corporation’s money to a project – all within 30 minutes! The English BSE is a rare opportunity because it is usually taught in one area of the world only, so that promotes global entrepreneurship since many travel the world to attend. Consider the lost opportunity if everything we have shared were true and you didn’t take it! If you still have considerations, we can discuss it further with you. All you have to do make an appointment with one of our staff that can help you decide if this work is for you. It’s very important to us to have a committed group of people that is clear on their purpose for traveling the world to spend this week together. If the program cannot support the advancement of your growth – or your purpose is not in alignment with the school’s, then we won’t waste your time.
  • How will I know if this type of education really works?
    “Accelerated Learning” was developed by research psychologists and professional educators in the early 70’s and the major contributors included the seminal work of Dr. Georgi Lozanov as well as Nobel Prize winners, Roger Sperry and Robert Ornstein. The effectiveness of “Accelerated Learning” has been objectively measured and Don Schuster, professor of psychology at Iowa State University, was able to record that “it produced at least 300 percent improvement in the speed and effectiveness of learning.” UNESCO has acknowledged “Accelerated Learning’s” effectiveness in learning languages, and the magazine Educational Technology stated “it is a tool that allows students to absorb and retain a two-year language course in as few as 20 days.” Our Excellerated Learning Technology had its beginnings with Georgi Lozanov having actually been hired from the Bulgarian government in 1978 by the co-founders to teach them “Accelerated Learning” which was then applied to the programs. Through the years the work evolved as different elements were added and it took a life of its own. Happily, this technology has been proven over and over again to be one of the most powerful in the world. It is a combination of “Accelerated Learning” methodologies and games, exercises and simulations that we have created through the decades. What else sets us apart is the combined teachings of the four masters that were mentioned earlier; plus, Bucky Fuller’s principles which encourages making mistakes and then correcting as fast as you can, it’s dynamite. This is how we developed our entire educational system and curriculum. We are keen to share this technology with as many people as possible and encourage your participation. Our purpose is to “Uplift Humanity’s Consciousness Through Socially- Responsible Businesses” which includes the transformation of educational systems globally which is key to eradicate poverty and hunger. We are happy to say that we have had a positive impact in several countries, which are now using this type of learning technology more and more in their educational systems including Singapore which is one of the leading countries in having an effective system of education. This is due, thanks to the many graduates, their staff and teams who continue to support this work and take it into their own spheres of influence.
  • I don’t know if the program will work for me.
    As long as you participate, it will work for you… For nearly four decades, the program has worked for people from all walks of life and from all over the world. Our graduates are people of all ages, cultures, backgrounds and income – and are people just like you. And, just like them, we are 100% confident that it will work for you too!
  • What kind of people do this program?
    Ultimately, people who attend are those committed to excellence, growth and expansion of both themselves and their enterprises. This list gives you a guide: Successful business owners and entrepreneurs; people who, despite their current success, want to take their business to new levels of growth, revenues, profits, efficiency and productivity; Aspiring young entrepreneurs ready to accelerate their entrepreneurial learning curve; Professionals and corporate executives who are preparing themselves to go into their own businesses; higher leadership roles or, move into new industries; Non-profit / foundation leaders who want to create successful economic engines for their organizations; Committed individuals who are interested in new technologies, renewables, impact opportunity businesses and how to make a greater contribution through business; As well as successful people who simply want to get to know themselves better and how to function more effectively in a team environment.
  • How personal does it get?
    Since the eight-day event is highly interactive – it can be as personal or impersonal as you wish to be. You will be asked to participate in games with other participants, and have interactions with them, but you will always have a choice with your team as to the extent of your participation or how much you share of yourself with the rest of the group. You will never be put on the “spot” or required to do anything you don’t wish to do; however, you always get a result from the choices you make. We do ask though that you participate as fully as possible – we have proven over and over that this is a very safe environment to grow in. When you get involved fully, you will discover much faster those limitations or decisions that you have made in the past that have held you back – it allows you to move faster and with more certainty towards your dreams and goals!
  • I just don’t have the time to do the program…
    Everyone is busy… and the more successful you are, the busier you will get. The mega successful know when to jump into opportunities that will accelerate their progress and success. What difference would it make to you if, in only eight days, you could shift the time you spend working “in” your business to spending more time working “on” it? By taking a week from your regular routine, you will find that you are able to see things more clearly than you ever have before. BSE is an ideal opportunity for you to evaluate your business, career – your life. You will be able to look (and learn, practice) how to leverage the resources, money, capital, networks, associates – whatever assets you have – so your business /organization isn’t reliant on you. Isn’t your business and personal happiness worth eight days of your time to learn from like-minded entrepreneurs, instructors and individuals who are committed to achievement and growth? If you knew with certainty that you will learn how to get: Faster Results Leverage Better Have Extraordinary Profits Grow Your Business Globally Access to Extraordinary Global Entrepreneurs and Their Networks Have The Time of Your Life As You Learn Timeless Principles That Have Worked For Tens of Thousands for Nearly 4 Decades… Would you make the time available? Successful people make the time when they see an opportunity that will accelerate their rate of success. How about you?
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